Scenario Details for June 3rd Tournament:
1st Round: Naval Engagement ~ 600 MFV Naval Core Force ~ 75 Minutes/3 turns
36"x48" play space, a 5" disc/vortex is placed at the center of the play space. Players deploy along width of short table edges and as far as 12" from table edge. Any active surface naval model touching the disc when time is called scores VP equal to the cost of the model, regardless of damage to the model. VP is also scored for destroyed, damaged, and captured models, as usual. STAR cards included, 1 deck shared between both players; 10 Free Tiny Flyers NOT included in force.
2nd Round: Armored Engagement ~ 600 MFV Armored Core Force ~ 75 Minutes/3 turns
36"x48" play space, 4" wide river bisects table center between players, 2 bridge cross the river which is shallow and may be forded by large class landships and some robots. Players deploy along width of short table edge and as far as 12" from table edge. At the time limit, any active armored model on the opponent's side of the river scores VP equal to the cost of the model. VP is also scored, as usual, for destroyed, damaged, and captured models. STAR cards included, 1 deck split between both players; 10 Free Tiny Flyers NOT included in force.
3rd Round: Combined Arms ~ 900 MFV ~ 100 Minutes/4 turns
48"x48" play space, one 8"x22" land terrain piece is placed at the center of the play space, lengthwise between player edges; alternating by random die roll, each player places two land terrain pieces each measuring 8" by 11" and placed entirely within 16" of the player's starting table edge. Each player then alternates placing a total of 3 energy portals at ground level; 1 portal on each terrain piece the player placed and 1 on the center terrain piece (the center piece will have 2 energy portals). Although energy portal placement is not according to the DW rule book, activation and use by armored models is according to page 37. Players deploy along width and up to 8" from table edge, alternating deployment. The player scoring the most VP overall for damaged, destroyed, and captured enemy models at the end of the round will be declared winner of the tournament. STAR cards included, 1 deck shared between both players; 10 Free Tiny Flyer tokens are included as part of each player's force.